Wednesday, 13 May 2015

The Seventh Reflection

Mrs.Fa had brought us to the classroom which was located in the library. We were initially told to share the story that each group had to rewrite based on the famous tale called 'Jack And The Giant Beanstalk' from their first point of view. It was a clear-glass walled classroom and those who were sitting outside of the classroom could see us hold a piece of long white paper that we had successfully wrote the story that we renamed as 'Sharpie And The Thief'. In our story, we had decided to turn the giant into a protagonist and Jack as the antagonist as switching points of views could really make a huge difference to the story. Not only did I have a good time sharing the story with the other members of my group, I also enjoyed listening to different twisted stories from the other groups! We also had to paste our paper on the wall where others would have to put their sticky notes that had their comments on our story and ours on theirs to know how we could improve our writing. Afterwards, we were taught about the types of poems that initially got me scared because there were many of them! And I began to feel worried because I knew I had to really understand each and one of those formats of different types of poems. There were a few types of poems; haiku, wingspark, diamante, acrostic and many more. A wingspark that we were asked to do by Mrs.Fa must always start with the line of 'I dreamed...' followed by the second line that consists of the person or thing that you dreamed of. The third line will be the place where the character appeared in your dream and lastly, the action taken by the character. It should not be called as a wingspark if you do not follow the exact format.

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